Outdoor Rules



  1. All competitions will be played under the Current “Laws of the Sport” as laid down by the World Bowls Board (Bowls England) and in accordance with these Rules and Conditions and any regulations made by the Executive Committee which must be strictly observed.
  2. A player being a member of more than one club must elect to play for one club only in all L & S C BA competitions. A male player may take part in the Challenge Shield, one other male competition and one mixed competition. Ladies may play in the Challenge Shield and one mixed competition. Please note that the Challenge Shield and both of the mixed competitions will be played in the morning of finals day.
    A TEAM DISQUALIFICATION In the case of a Team that wins a draw and is then disqualified for fielding an ineligible player, the losing Team will go through to the next round.
  3. The draw for the various competitions is made in sections geographically grouped as far as possible or on such other convenient lines as may be determined by the Honorary Competitions Secretary (Outdoor) if the number of entrants necessitates such a course.
    Where clubs are drawn to play and they are more than 50 miles apart the game can be played on a neutral green. The Opponent makes the request and the home team organises the venue. If a satisfactory venue cannot be agreed on the game will be played on the green of the Challenger.
  4. In the case of a tie an extra end shall be played to determine the result. The captains or skips shall toss a coin and the winner has the right to decide who shall play first.
  5. a) In accordance with these Rules and Regulations the Outdoor competitions shall be under the management of the Competition Section Administrators. The Section Administrators shall be responsible to the Honorary Competition Secretary (Outdoor) for the conduct of the competitions in their respective sections up to and including the Section Finals.
    b) The new software is designed for each club to “click” the name of the club they are playing in all first rounds to obtain the contact details for every competition. This should be done at least three weeks before the play by dates. The same procedure has to be used to progress through the rounds. If a phone call to arrange a game is not received within the due time then contact the Section Administrator.
  6. Questions and Disputes
    All protests appertaining to the conditions and fitness of a green must be made before the commencement of the sixth head of a tie. The playing of the tie must cease and the Section Administrator notified immediately by telephone. An inspection of the green will then be arranged. If it is certified that the green is unfit for play the home club will be notified immediately and arrangements will be made for the tie to be played on the opponents green or on a neutral green at the discretion of the Section Administrator. The tie will be resumed with the scores as they were when the game stopped, and an end commenced but not completed shall be declared null. The decision of the Section Administrator relating to all protests under this Rule shall be final.
    The Executive Committee or an Emergency Committee appointed by Executive Committee, committee to include the Honorary Competitions Secretary (Outdoors) shall determine all appeals relating to the interpretation and operation of these Rules and Regulations. The decision of the Executive Committee or such Emergency Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.
  7. Duties of the Challenger and Opponent
    7.1 Challenge Shield (See Also Competitions General Conditions)
    a) The Club appearing first in the draw shall be the Challenger and the Club appearing second the Opponent.
    b) All rounds to be played on or before the closing date stated, with the exception of the Final which is to be played on a date/venue and at a Time fixed by the Association.
    c) At least three weeks before the first rounds and at least two weeks before subsequent rounds the Challenger shall offer their opponent two dates. The dates offered to be either a Saturday or Sunday. (But not two Saturdays or two Sundays) One of which to commence at 10.00am, the other by mutual arrangement. Clubs are requested to avoid offering dates that clash with National Competitions. E.g. Middleton Cup.
    d) The Opponent must accept one of the two dates offered within three days of the receipt of the Challenge. If a choice of dates is not received within three days of the receipt of the Official Notification it shall be the duty of the Opponent to contact the Challenger in order to arrange the game.
    e) By mutual agreement Clubs may play on any other day prior to the Closing Date of the Round, in which case matches should not commence later than 6.00pm on a week day.
    f) Immediately after the game the winning side shall enter the result on our web site. A copy of both score cards (Club cards to be used) shall be kept in case the Association needs to check who has played. The cards should show the total score for home and away venue, the names and initials of all the competitors and be signed by both skips.
    g) Competitors who fail to appear and are ready to play within 30 minutes of the agreed time for the tie shall forfeit the tie and the opponents may claim a walkover. If a single player is absent from one or more teams, the game shall proceed, but in the defaulting team the number of bowls shall be made up by the Lead and Second players playing three bowls each, but one fourth of the total shots scored by each team comprising of three men shall be deducted from their score at the end of the game. Fractions shall be taken into account.
    h) If either the Challenger or the Opponent fails to comply with these Rules and Conditions they shall be “scratched” at the request of the opposing competitors. Or Club
    i) No alteration of an accepted date shall be made unless mutually agreed. Failing such agreement the club desiring such alteration must give their opponent a walkover.

    7.2 Gold Badge, Fours, Triples, Pairs, Lonsdale, Mixed Fours and Mixed Pairs.
    a) The Club appearing first in the draw shall be the Challenger, who shall provide a rink, and the Club appearing second the Opponent. In a Singles competition the Challenger is responsible for providing a Marker. (With the exception of the Final)
    b) The ties in all Rounds up to and including the Section Final shall be played on the green of the Challenger. The Semi-Finals of the competitions shall be played on neutral Greens to be selected by the Association’s Honorary Competitions Secretary(Outdoor).The Greens selected to be as near as possible equi-distant to the two participating clubs whilst the Finals shall be played on a date/venue and at a Time fixed by the Association.
    c) At least three weeks before the first rounds and at least two weeks before subsequent rounds the Challenger shall offer their opponent three dates. One of which shall be either a Saturday or Sunday. (But not two Saturdays or two Sundays). For the rest of the competitions, after the first game and for the remainder of the Competition this is sent to the nominated contact. No competitor shall be compelled to accept a start time on a weekday before 6.00pm or after 6.30pm. Ties played on Saturdays and Sundays shall start at no earlier than 10.00am, or if later, then at a time mutually agreed.
    d) The Opponent must accept one of the three dates offered within three days of receipt of the challenge. Failure to offer three dates within the prescribed period shall result in the Opponent taking the rights of the Challenger and the Opponent will offer a similar choice of dates for the game to be played on his (the Opponents) Green. Where a Challenger has been unable to contact his Opponent within the prescribed period he shall immediately inform the Section Administrator. If no action is taken by either competitor then both parties may be “Scratched” from the competition.
    e) Immediately after the game the winning side/individual shall enter the result on our web site. A copy of both score cards (Club cards to be used) shall be kept in case the Association needs to check who has played. The cards should show the total score for home and away venue, the names and initials of all the competitors and be signed by both skips/individual.
    f) Competitors who fail to appear and are ready to play within 30 minutes of the agreed time for the tie shall forfeit the tie and the opponents may claim a walkover.
    g) If a single player is absent from one or more teams in a side game, the game shall proceed, but in the defaulting team the number of bowls shall be made up by the Lead and Second players playing three bowls each, but one fourth of the total shots scored by each team comprising of three men shall be deducted from their score at the end of the game. Fractions shall be taken into account.
    h) If either the Challenger or the Opponent fails to comply with these Rules and Conditions they shall be “scratched” at the request of the opposing competitors.
    i) No alteration of an accepted date shall be made unless mutually agreed. Failing such agreement the competitor desiring such alteration must give their opponent a walk-over.
  8. Dress
    Dress code up to and including the semi finals:
    Registered club coloured shirts/trousers/shorts/skirts may be worn and regulation bowling shoes. Shorts shall be manufactured for the sport of bowls.
    Dress code for the finals day:
    Registered club coloured shirts/trousers/shorts/skirts may be worn and regulation bowling shoes. Shorts shall be manufactured for the sport of bowls. Club apparel may be worn provided that the design of such apparel has been registered with Bowls England.
    Alternatively white tops with white trousers/shorts/skirts may be worn and regulation bowling shoes.
    Whichever mode of dress is chosen all members of the side or team must wear the same.
  9. Extensions of Time
    No extensions of the closing date of the Round as specified in the Year
    Book can or will be granted.
  10. Penalties
  11. Availability: Competitors are reminded that when selected to represent their Club in the foregoing Competitions, (subject to Law 51 Substitution) they are to make themselves available for every Round up to and including the Final.
  12. Flashes: L&SC BA Flashes will be available on request to the winners of the Gold Badge, Fours, Triples, Pairs, Lonsdale, Mixed Fours and Mixed Pairs Competitions.
  13. Green Fees and Hospitality for Competitors
    GREEN FEES are a matter between the players concerned. As fee levels vary between clubs and counties it is recommended that when arranging the competition day of play you ascertain the fees required.
    HOSPITALITY is an unwritten law, a matter of being courteous. If for any reason whatsoever you find you cannot offer your opponents some sustenance at the end of the game it would be courteous to say so when making the initial arrangements.
  14. The Results of the Section Semi-Final and Finals are to be sent to the Competition Secretary (Outdoor) who will deal with all communications and queries in respect of these two Rounds.

Outdoor Competitions: General Conditions

(See “Important Dates Page” for Competition Dates)


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Challenge Shield.
  2. The winning club will hold the silver Challenge Shield for one year.
  3. The runners-up will hold the silver Andrews Shield for one year.
  4. Each Club is to be represented by any 8 players in each round. One Four to play at Home and One Four on the Opponents green and all to play on the same day and at the same time. The game shall consist of 18 ends for each Four. Where clubs have entered two teams “A & B” players can only play for A or B not both
  5. One extra end shall be played by the one original Home Four on the green of the Home Club, the resultant score only to be counted in the event of a tie after 18 ends. In the event of a tie after 18 ends in the Final, both Fours to play extra ends until a winner is proved.


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Gold Badge.
  2. The winner will receive the gold Weir Trophy (which will be retained by the Association due to insurance conditions).
  3. The runner-up will hold the silver Tom Rolfe Trophy for one year.
  4. Each game shall consist of 21 shots, (shots in excess of 21 shall not count) four bowls each player played alternately.
  5. To be competed for by one representative, preferably the Club Champion from each affiliated Club. 

Any previous Gold Badge winner is eligible to compete providing that the Gold Badge Rules are adhered to; ie - one representative from each affiliated Club.


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Fours Championship.
  2. The winning Four will hold the Silver Star Trophy for one year,
  3. The runners-up will hold the silver Association Trophy for one year.
  4. Up to three teams of four players may be entered by each Club. 
  5. The game shall be 18 ends, two bowls each player, played alternately. In the case of a tie an extra end must be played, the shots of this extra end to count in the final score.
  6. The four players taking part in the first game shall constitute the Four and should normally play throughout the competition. One additional and the same player may however be used as a substitute at any time provided he has not already played in; any other Fours team entered by his club; Gold Badge; Triples; Pairs; Lonsdale; Mixed Fours and Mixed Pairs Competitions of the same year. He may play in any position except in the circumstances governed by Law of the Sport of Bowls 57


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Triples Competition
  2. The winning Triple will hold the silver Crosier Trophy for one year.
  3. The runners-up will hold the silver Colyer Trophy for one year.
  4. Up to three teams of three players may be entered by each Club. 
  5. The game shall be 18 ends, three bowls each player, played alternately. In the case of a tie an extra end must be played, the shots of this extra end to count in the final score.
  6. The three players taking part in the first game shall constitute the Triple and should normally play throughout the competition. One additional and the same player may however be used as a substitute at any time provided he has not already played in; any other Triples team entered by his club; Gold Badge; Fours; Pairs; Lonsdale; Mixed Fours and Mixed Pairs Competitions of the same year. He may play in any position except in the circumstances governed by Law of the Sport of Bowls 57


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Pairs Competition
  2. The winning Pair will hold the silver Woollacott Trophy for one year.
  3. The runners-up will hold the silver Hayden Jones Memorial Trophy for one year.
  4. Up to three teams of two players may be entered by each Club. 
  5. The game shall be 18 ends, four bowls each player, played alternately. In the case of a tie an extra end must be played, the shots of this extra end to count in the final score.
  6. The two players taking part in the first game shall constitute the Pair and should normally play throughout the competition. One additional and the same player may however be used as a substitute at any time provided he has not already played in; any other Pairs team entered by his club; Gold Badge; Fours; Triples; Lonsdale; Mixed Fours and Mixed Pairs Competitions of the same year. He may play in any position except in the circumstances governed by Law of the Sport of Bowls 57.


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Lonsdale Competition
  2. The winner will receive the silver Gilt Lonsdale Trophy (which will be retained by the Association due to insurance conditions).
  3. The runner-up will hold the silver Walter Cross & Lloyd Post Trophy for one year.
  4. The game shall be 21 shots up (shots in excess of 21 shall not count), four bowls each player, played alternately.
  5. To be competed for by one representative, preferably the Runner-up to the Club Championship or the winner of the Club Handicap Competition, from each affiliated Club. 
  6. Any previous Lonsdale winner is eligible to compete providing that the Lonsdale Rules are adhered to. ie, one representative from each affiliated Club.


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Mixed Fours Championship.
  2. Up to three teams of two female and two male players may be entered by each Club. 
  3. The game shall be 18 ends, two bowls each player, played alternately. In the case of a tie an extra end must be played, the shots of this extra end to count in the final score.
  4. The four players taking part in the first game shall constitute the Mixed Four and should normally play throughout the competition. One additional and the same player may however be used as a substitute (female for female and male for male) at any time provided they have not already played in; any other Mixed Fours team entered by their club; and for the Male players the Gold Badge; Fours; Triples; Pairs; Lonsdale; Mixed Pairs Competitions of the same year. They may play in any position except in the circumstances governed by Law of the Sport of Bowls 57


  1. In addition to the foregoing Competition Rules the following will apply to the Mixed Pairs Championship.
  2. Up to three teams of one female and one male player may be entered by each Club. 
  3. The game shall be 18 ends, four bowls each player, played alternately. In the case of a tie an extra end must be played, the shots of this extra end to count in the final score.
  4. The two players taking part in the first game shall constitute the Mixed Pair and should normally play throughout the competition. One additional and the same player may however be used as a substitute (female for female and male for male) at any time provided they have not already played in; any other Mixed Pair team entered by their club; and for the Male player the Gold Badge; Fours; Triples; Pairs; Lonsdale; Mixed Fours Competitions of the same year. They may play in any position except in the circumstances governed by Law of the Sport of Bowls 57